Bi2FeMnO6/SrTiO3 (BFMO/STO) bilayered thin films were grown on LaNiO3 (LNO) buffered Si(100) substrate by chemical solution deposition. The structure and surface morphology of the bilayered thin films have been characterized by X-ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy. The Au/BFMO/STO/LNO thin-film capacitor showed well-saturated hysteresis loop at an applied field of 33065kV65cm611 with remnant polarization (2Pr) and coercive electric field (2Ec) values of 1.365μC65cm612 and 8065kV65cm611, respectively. The films show leakage current density in the order of 1061565A65cm612 in the whole electric field region. The leakage current depended on the voltage polarity. The Au/BFMO/STO interface forms an Ohmic contact with Au electrode biased negatively. At low electric field, the BFMO/STO/LNO interface forms an Ohmic contact with LNO electrode biased negatively. A further increase of applied electric field, the conduction shows a space-charge-limited-current behavior.
physica status solidi(a),211,7,1499-1502(2014)